Self-organization -> your way as an entrepreneur

be an entrepreneur - make your business your business

Your boss is annoying or the working hours are difficult to combine with the needs of a family and small children. There are many reasons… Those who do not like their job or their collegues management can quickly start thinking about starting their own business.

Be an entrepreneur: great freedom and great responsibility

You hold a grudge for years…. You gossip about the department head, the laboratory manager or the management.

As an entrepreneur you are the one that has to make the decisions, you are the boss! By then it is clear: You cannot please everyone, the optimal or most convenient solution for all employees cannot always be found…

Being self-employed requires a great sense of responsibility and the need to lead. Now one can argue that a solopreneur only decides for himself and his business: That’s true! Still, he or she has to make decisions! It doesn’t work without decisions. If you don’t decide as a self-employed person, then the decision will be made for you. The market decides the price or the demand, your competitors may be quicker to adapt their products … You have to keep making up your mind. And you will notice: the decision may not always be the right one, but you can learn from it….

As an entrepreneur, who are completely free! You are able to do everything what you want. But this comes with great responsibility! You have to „stand up“ for your own decision…

Be an entrepreneur: Design your business according to your own values ​​and ideas

You are able to design your business according to your wishes, values ​​and ideas! You can determine how, what and with whom you want to work. Who should your customers be? Which products or services do you want to offer …. it’s all your decision.

Coping with family and business more flexible. Running a business from home with small children … Do you only work between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.? No problem either. In your company you are the one, that makes all decisions and thus all the design options that you would like to have.

It starts with questions like “office space” or “home office” and ends with questions about employees or contract regulations …

I am convinced that only this freedom and independence as an entrepreneur has made certain products or services possible in the first place. Because creativity doesn’t work in fixed working hours. Creativity arises when the conditions are right …

Being an entrepreneur: It shouldn’t be working 24/7!

In the early stages, in particular, you tend to work all day. The project is exciting, after all, it’s about your own existence, your own company that is to be built. The biggest challenge seems to be: “Can I make a living from it? Can I support my family with my business? ”

So we often act according to the motto: “I put in a lot of worktime = many customers!” Unfortunately, that is not a reliable formula for the company’s success.

But you are in the center of your business. YOU ARE YOUR BUSINESS! If you are not doing well, the company is not doing well either. So plan times for yourself. Times to recharge the batteries, times to reflect and be creative. Your business only exists with you. Burn-out and the associated long-lasting health problems are a major factor for giving up the much-loved self-employment.

In doing so, your own rhythm can be optimally brought in, especially in your own company. Whether certain times of the day are not ideal for you and your work or whether you allow a few days a month to rest: You decide.

Design your company routines with time-slots for of a calm reflection. Just as the seasons are characterized by very specific characteristics, your day-to-day work can also be adapted to your very individual needs.

Take time for yourself and for your business. Do not fall into trap of being busy instead of being successful!

Being an entrepreneur is growth – growth of your personality!

To be self-employed means not only to own and grow your company, but even more, to develop and „grow“ yourself. To know yourself, your rhythm and your needs and to use them in an optimal way!

To be at peace with yourself, to be authentic in everything you do, is an “easy” way to run business with ease. Because “Everything is one! and “You are everything!”

Body, mind and business are one unit that is constantly developing and adapting to the needs of life and the company and vice versa …

As a Progress Consultant I help women to be happy, successful and above all: to be themselves! Because what is more important than feeling good in all phases of your life!

Together we develop an individual success recipe that takes into account the “ingredients” and the “baking conditions” of each client individually and establish the new recipe for success in everyday life!

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