Terms & Conditions

Dr. Martina Henn-Sax – Erfolgskeks.de

Zum Leineufer 17, 37081 Göttingen

These terms and conditions apply to all deliveries and services by Dr. Martina Henn-Sax to the contract partner, unless their validity for each individual contract is excluded or restricted by mutual agreement.

These terms and conditions are an inseparable part of every individual contract between the contract partner and Dr. Martina Henn-Sax. The provisions of the individual contract may go beyond these terms and conditions.

Our clients are hereinafter referred to as “contract partner”.


1.1. For all legal transactions between the contract partner and Dr. Martina Henn-Sax, these general terms and conditions apply exclusively. The version valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract is decisive.
1.2.These general terms and conditions also apply to all future contractual relationships, even if this is not expressly stated in additional contracts.
1.3. Conflicting general terms and conditions of the contract partner are invalid unless they are approved by Dr. Martina Henn-Sax expressly recognized in writing.
1.4. In the event that individual provisions of these general terms and conditions are and / or become ineffective, this does not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions and the contracts concluded on the basis of them. The ineffective one is to be replaced by an effective provision that comes closest to its meaning and economic purpose.
1.5. Both Dr. Martina Henn-Sax, as well as the contract partner, can accept and place orders verbally (also by telephone) or in writing.


2.1. Individuals must be mentally healthy, which means that they do not currently have a diagnosed mental illness according to IDC-10.
2.2. According to the psychotherapy law, people with severe illness-related psychological disorders cannot take part in groups or in individual and couple counseling on my part.
2.3. Creatrix® process, coaching advice or progress consulting does not replace psychotherapy or a visit to the doctor.


3.1. Registration and payment terms for individual advice
The general terms and conditions will be discussed in detail during the first session.
After your registration (by phone, email, SMS) and my confirmation, you have made a binding transaction for the individual consultation.
The consultation for private individuals is paid for in advance by bank transfer. Bank details will be send via Email.
The online banking printout or your deposit slip serve as confirmation of payment.
The booking of coaching / advice for corporate customers takes place after offer and approval. Payment for coaching / supervision / advice for corporate customers takes place after the session by means of an invoice and bank transfer.
3.2 Cancellation and postponement
Since I reserve the agreed time for you, I ask for your understanding that I have to charge a fee for changes at short notice:
Up to 2 working days (excluding weekends or public holidays) before your appointment, I will charge 30% of the fee.
Up to 1 working day (excluding weekend or public holiday) before your appointment, I will charge 50% of the fee.
On the day of the agreed meeting, 100% of the meeting is to be paid for.
If an appointment is not kept at all, then the session must be paid for at 100%.


4.1. Registration and payment terms for seminars
After you have registered (by phone, e-mail, shop, SMS) and my written confirmation, you have made a binding transaction for attending the seminar.
Payment for the seminar is made in advance by bank transfer. Bank details will be send via Email.
The online banking printout or your deposit slip serve as confirmation of payment.
4.2. Cancellation and postponement
If you withdraw from the registration no later than 2 weeks before the start of the event, 50% of the amount will be retained as a cancellation fee.
In the event of non-participation or cancellation within 2 weeks before the start of the event, the entire amount will be withheld.
The cancellation fee does not apply if you send a substitute participant.
If the event is canceled, you will receive the entire amount back. Further claims are excluded.
The seminars take place in the designated and announced conference rooms or via an online training portal (e.g. ZOOM). Each participant declares with their registration that they can act independently, are adequately insured and release the organizer, assistants and landlords from any liability fees.
All prices quoted only include participation in the events and the required documents, unless otherwise stated.