
Always stay on top – in a virtual meeting


Online trainings, online meetings, online job interviews, since the corona pandemic hit Europe in March 2020, professional and private life has shifted to the virtual (digital) space.

It is all the more important to be familiar with the Major tool used in everyday business: ZOOM!

In our training we will get to know and use ZOOM together. As a platform for presentations or to exchange ideas in a meeting … What do I have to look out using ZOOM? What possibilities does Zoom as a meeting platform offer? How can I safely attend a meeting?


As part of a hands-on session, you will

  • create a meeting
  • Share your screen
  • Get to know the possibilities through the chat function and participation by raising hands
  • Try out break-out rooms.
  • How do I get across? What do I have to pay attention to „look good“ …
  • We will test the no-gos of online meetings as well as train perfect “digital appearance” …
  • 1/2 -Day Online-Workshop
  • 9am to 1:00 pm
  • 9 participants
  • Price for a half-day workshop: 99 €/participant EARLY BIRD: 75 €/participant


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