
Home Office – Home Everything?


Women with small children often choose the home office option to start their own business. The advantages are obvious: no additional costs for an office, especially with very small children, always available or in close proximity to the child. They find the optimal compatibility of family and work. Theoretically!


In reality the women find themselves torn between home office and everything from household Chores to child care. Instead of organizing the next workshop, laundry is folded, instead of making the important phone call to a Prospect customer, the eye turns to the crib. “What if the little one wakes up and I’m on the phone …?“


  • Four hours a day: SHE gets a lot done!
  • I am worth working!
  • Home office -> set limits
  • Fulfillment and finance
  • Morning routine / start routine
  • Get to know you!
  • When do I need a break for myself?
  • Not every day is 150% … small steps take you far!
  • 1-Day Online-Workshop
  • 9am to 3:30 pm
  • Workbook included
  • 9 participants
  • Price for a one-day workshop: 175 €/participant EARLY BIRD: 125 €/participant


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